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snack smart

We’ve developed our 3, 2, 1 Formula and Smart Snacking Strategies as a fool-proof way to structure your snack breaks and make sure you’re getting quality calories throughout the day, topping up as and when needed. To help you enjoy healthy snacking, we’ve packed our healthier sweet and savoury options full of flavour with natural ingredients.

snack anatomy

Snack anatomy

  • As well as providing a useful energy boost, snacks are a good way to get extra nutrients into your diet
  • The best snacks contain a balance of protein, fibre, unsaturated fats and essential vitamins & minerals – good examples include nuts and seed mixes
  • Opt for snacks with natural ingredients and aim for those that are low or medium in sugar, salt and saturated fats
snack rotation

Snack rotation

  • Choose snacks you’ll truly enjoy the taste of, or you’ll be more tempted to reach for something unhealthy later
  • If you find you don’t have time for a proper lunch, choose a snack with plenty of fibre and protein
  • If you’re going to the gym after work, eat a larger snack that has plenty of complex carbohydrates an hour or two beforehand
Snack Scheduling

Snack Scheduling

  • Don’t wait until you’re absolutely starving to have a snack – reach for a pick-me-up when you’re peckish or have low energy
  • It makes sense to have a small mid-morning snack, a larger snack in the afternoon (particularly if you’re exercising later) and then another small snack in the evening
  • The most common times for people to snack are 10:30am, 3:30pm and 8:30pm
Snack size

Snack size

  • One of the benefits of certain fruits and vegetables is that a single one is already a perfect portion
  • Be single serving savvy: a portion of nuts, seeds or savoury snacks is roughly 30-40g for a good hit of protein and fibre
  • Stick to recommended portion sizes and you’ll find more often than not that they will fill you up

find out more

our health promise

our health promise

We believe the healthy choice shouldn't be a compromise on taste! We've found that using the best ingredients nature has to offer makes the best snacks.

explore our online shop

explore our online shop

Did you know graze has an online shop? When you find a new favourite, you can fill your cupboards with it whenever you fancy. From bars to sharing bags to multipacks, there are all sorts of snacks to discover!

graze subscription

graze subscription

Discover new flavours and enjoy healthier choices on a regular basis, with personalized graze boxes delivered to your door.